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Anti Ragging

At Bhavya Shree Institute of Nursing, we have a strict anti-ragging policy to ensure a safe and welcoming environment for all students. Ragging in any form is strictly prohibited and punishable. We are committed to protecting our students from any form of harassment or intimidation. Strict measures are in place to prevent, monitor, and address any incidents of ragging, ensuring a supportive and respectful atmosphere for everyone.


  • To eliminate possibilities of occurrence of ragging even in mildest form.

  • To rule out any incident of ragging by senior Students inside & outside campus.

  • To create an environment where ragging cannot take place & students and cannot think of indulging in such action.

Measures taken to eliminate ragging

  • The ragging prevention committee formed every year functions actively form the date of start of session.

  • The senior students in the ragging prevention committee act as Eyes & Ears of the committee.

  • Every member of the committee should meet once a month.

  • Meetings are conducted with 1st year students in the beginning of academic session to sensitize them against ragging.

  • A formal interaction among seniors & juniors is arranged in the presence of authorities.

  • Cultural and sport activities with joint participation of seniors & juniors are held periodically under the guidance of faculty.

  • Punishment given to culprits is publicized through posters inside & outside the campus.

  • The students are free to contact or informs any member of anti – ragging committee by mobile phone number, Email with identity or anonymously.


The governing body of the school on the recommendation of the principal, reserves the right to remove from the school rolls, the name of the student and punish her otherwise for :

  • Failure to pay school or hostel fee in time.

  • Failure to execute an agreement by parent/guardians of the student within 15 days of the date admission.

  • Failure to come up to the prescribed standards.

  • Unsatisfactory conduct of behavious.

  • Participation in any political/anti-social demonstration.

  • Being involved or having been involved in the past in a criminal cases.

  • Indulging in any activity derogatory to the school.

  • Consumption or possession of narcotic drugs/liquor.

Restriction and Expulsion

  • A student will be liable to immediate restriction by the Principal, if in her openion, the student.

Identity Card

  • Identity card is must for every student as she may be asked to show it on demand as and when required.

  • It is mandatory to carry the ID card during the clinical training at the Ishwar Dayal MMemorial Hosiptal as well as community health centers.

  • A student will be liable to immediate restriction by the Principal, if in her openion, the student.


  • Students are required to attend all the classes in theory as well as in clinical. This is as per the rules of Indian Nursing Council, failing which the studnets have eto recover the short in attendance by attending the school in vacation.


  • In institution's library only card-holders will be eligible to use the library facilities.

  • The student can get issued on books/magazines at a time for one week. If the book//magazine is overdue , a fine of Rs. 10-per day will be charged.

  • In case of loss or damage of the book, students will have to bear the expense of the book or replace the same.

  • In case of loss or damage of library card, duplicate card will be issued on the submission of written request.



  • Course Duration
  • ANM Nursing

    2 years

  • GNM Nursing

    3 years

  • B.SC. Nursing

    4 years

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